Our Virtual Conference is Happening on April 29-30, 2023!

We’ll be bringing together some of the industry’s top real estate investors to meet with you, answer your questions and guide you on your journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Whether you’re new to real estate or have been investing for years, this is the perfect opportunity to network and learn from experts who have built their own real estate empires.

Experience what Recession Proof Real Estate Conference has to offer:

  • Network with 200+ top-tier real estate professionals at the Break Out Sessions

  • Meet 25+ Professionals offering REI tools, products, and services.
  • Attend Recession Proof Real Estate Conference Expert seminars, and specialty workshops on a variety of investment strategies at the comfort of your home.

  • Access deal-making opportunities with the biggest names in the business.

Our Virtual Conference is Happening on April 29-30, 2023!

We’ll be bringing together some of the industry’s top real estate investors to meet with you, answer your questions and guide you on your journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Whether you’re new to real estate or have been investing for years, this is the perfect opportunity to network and learn from experts who have built their own real estate empires.


Learn & Earn Money At The Same Time!

Virtual Recession Proof Real Estate Conference


Hot & Warm Leads Generation

You will gain access to leads that have expressed an interest in receiving an offer.


Powerful Converting Scripts

The best scripts that have proven to work day in and day out and will convert for you.


Hot & Warm Leads Generation

You will gain access to leads that have expressed an interest in receiving an offer.


Powerful Converting Scripts

The best scripts that have proven to work day in and day out and will convert for you.


Mistakes To Avoid While Negotiating

Together we will uncover and share the mistakes to avoid so that you can save time and headaches.


Systems Guaranteed To Get Results

Use the same systems that generate contracts on autopilot month after month.


Mistakes To Avoid While Negotiating

Together we will uncover and share the mistakes to avoid so that you can save time and headaches.


Systems Guaranteed To Get Results

Use the same systems that generate contracts on autopilot month after month.


Full Team Support

If you feel stuck anywhere in the deal or just need to confirm, our team will be working side by side with you to help lock up the deal.


Real-scenario Roleplaying

You must practice before you get great at something. We will roleplay scenarios with you to get you comfortable to not only overcome objections but to also lock in deals.


Full Team Support

If you feel stuck anywhere in the deal or just need to confirm, our team will be working side by side with you to help lock up the deal.


Real-scenario Roleplaying

You must practice before you get great at something. We will roleplay scenarios with you to get you comfortable to not only overcome objections but to also lock in deals.



  • General Admission

  • Warm Leads
  • Event Playbook
  • Live Training
  • Group Coaching
  • Meet and Greet



  • VIP Early Access

  • Warm Leads
  • Event Playbook
  • Live Training
  • Group Coaching
  • Meet and Greet Early Access




  • General Admission

  • Warm Leads

  • Event Playbook

  • Live Training

  • Group Coaching

  • Elite Private Mastermind with Gualter Amarelo (5,000 Value)




  • VIP Early Access

  • Warm Leads

  • Event Playbook

  • Live Training

  • Group Coaching

  • Meet and Greet Early Access



Gualter Amarelo

Founder of Alchemist Nation

Gualter Amarelo is the best-selling author of the books, “Broke To A Quarter-Million” and “Real Estate Alchemist – GET THE DEAL”. He is the host of the Alchemist Nation Podcast and has surrounded himself with over 100 millionaires.

Each of which has committed to building 100 Millionaires. Together they have created a step-by-step, copy and paste system that literally anyone can use to create wealth.

These are powerful investing & business strategies that can help any investor, at any level, find ideal people to partner with and draw them to you like magic. He happens to call the network Alchemist Nation!

  • Author, Tech Entrepreneur & Community Leader

You may know Gualter from his books, numerous life-changing training on wealth or as the founder of Alchemist Nation and the ground breaking software behind Alchemist Connect!

  • Multi-Millionaire Real Estate Investor

Gualter was Financially Free by 30, a Millionaire by 32 and a Multi-Millionaire by 34 with over 100 Rental Units! Now he is focused on paying it forward and building 100 Millionaires!

Isabelle Guarino

Al Nicoletti

Tony Watson

Zachary Wilson

Mitch Jaworski

Al Nicoletti

Recession Speaker

Will Be Announced Soon

Make sure you join us for one of the best entrepreneurial conferences in the world next year in 2023. We will be announcing our guest speakers soon!

Recession Speaker

Will Be Announced Soon

Make sure you join us for one of the best entrepreneurial conferences in the world next year in 2023. We will be announcing our guest speakers soon!

Recession Speaker

Will Be Announced Soon

Make sure you join us for one of the best entrepreneurial conferences in the world next year in 2023. We will be announcing our guest speakers soon!

Isabelle Guarino

Al Nicoletti

Tony Watson

Zachary Wilson

Mitch Jaworski

Recession Speaker

Will Be Announced Soon

Make sure you join us for one of the best entrepreneurial conferences in the world next year in 2023. We will be announcing our guest speakers soon!

Recession Speaker

Will Be Announced Soon

Make sure you join us for one of the best entrepreneurial conferences in the world next year in 2023. We will be announcing our guest speakers soon!



Christine McGinley


Darina Pogodina

Follow Up Systems Expert

Mike Schein

Real Estate Attorney

Vinney Chopra



Mitch Durfee

Entrepreneur & Business


Mitchell Jaworski

Real Estate and Cryptocurrency Investor

Dug McGuirk

entrepreneur & musician & producer and inspirational speaker

1. Journey towards Successful Entrepreneurship

Becoming a part of our Conference will not only introduce you to the kings and queens of the Real Estate Chess Board but will also help you level up your Inner Game, Outer Game, and Team Dynamics. Upgrading your Inner Game will guide you on how to show up every day as a High Performer and push that RESET button to start again after a frustrating, horrible, or discouraging day. Levelling up your Outer Game will lead you through putting the business together and making it work financially with systems and processes.

The Team Dynamics lessons will help you work amazingly with your team members and partners. At the 2-Days Conference, our Real Estate Experts will glide you through the journey of becoming a professionally successful entrepreneur, via their life lessons, experiences, and challenges.

2. Networking

In the Real Estate, Networking is King. The better the quality of your network, the more deals you’ll get. Expanding your contacts can open doors to new opportunities for business, career advancement, personal growth, or simply new knowledge.

Business and career-minded individuals who have networked over time have been able to expand with minimal effort because of the avenue of newer opportunities opened to them through networking. Active networking helps to keep you top of mind when opportunities such as job openings arise and increases your likelihood of receiving introductions to potentially relevant people or even a referral.

Good networking with high-profile individuals from Real Estate can serve as support whenever there is any eventuality at any time. These high-profile individuals can help you manage your challenges effectively by either giving you advice or linking you to the right financial support.

This 2 Day Virtual event will provide you the great opportunity to get familiar with 200+ Real Estate Emperors and Millionaires and grab the chance to attract bigger and better deals.

3. How to tackle Inflation in Real Estate

This Recession-Proof Conference will be paramount in leading your way to thrive through this Recession and Inflation. Only those with an abundant mindset to turn things around the things can gain maximum from the Recession. We will be building a community that is RECESSION-PROOF by building a strong, rich, and influential network around each one of you. Surviving and progressing simultaneously in Real Estate will require motivation, support, and guidance, which will be exclusively provided at our event.

Through our 2-Day Workshops, participants will be able to Raise More Capital from Private Lenders and Accredited Investors. Unlimited Deal Flow, More Clients Paying for Your Service, and Automated Follow-ups including workflows, carefully designed lessons, and compelling challenges. This will lighten up your passage to the Recession and Inflation-Proof.

When Times Are Tough, That Is When We Make Our Big Deals and the Most Money

4. Turning Mistakes into Achievements

What is distinctive about the Conference is that we will not only tell you “What to do?” but also, “What NOT to do?”.

Making mistakes at work can be inevitable, but it can also be a valuable growth experience. But you can turn others’ mistakes into valuable lessons by learning from them and using them as an opportunity to learn and become better at your job by not imitating the same mistakes again.

Your success lies not only in knowing what to propagate but also in what to avoid. This is what we will be targeting exclusively at our 3-Day Event.

Through our Mentors’ and Coaches’ life experiences, we will counter the common misconceptions and mistakes about Real Estate and the Recession, hence guaranteeing our participants’ accomplishments.